To make the most out of exhibiting at a trade show, it takes lots of home works involving lateral thinking and implementation of meticulous planning and strategies for an exhibitor. However, not most of them stand out as triumphant of the show and take the best result out of their exhibiting.
Here are some tips to make the most out of exhibiting at a trade show.
Learn how trade show works
If there is a local trade show to be held in next few days, do visit there. What for? Well, it will help you understand how the trade show works. Furthermore, you will get to know much valuable information about various industries and how they deal with competitions using their unique style of presentations. Getting the lay of the land through maiden appearance at a local show as an attendee is productive about your strategy-building tactic.
Get a stand registered on your own, prepare exhibitors’ list, and note down potential clients to meet during the show. Email to your prospects inviting them to turn up to your show, ask people on social media to your show.
Pitch-perfect taglines – No marketing alternative can ever compensate a pitch-perfect and engaging tagline when it comes to quick networking with the prospects. It is an expedient tactic. Hence, write some engaging pitches dedicated to resolving particular customer’s needs for your next trade show.
Besides working on the text-based taglines, use video demo as an efficient marketing tactic. Keep it brief (less than 3 minutes), convincing and spirited for demonstrating your product/service to the attendees.
Sizeability factor – The size of your exhibition stand matters significantly as it helps you ease out showing the product to the attendees. Small or big-sized tradeshow booth design may differ in its cost-wise calculation, but what really matters is your NEED.
If the product is to be displayed on the larger stand, you can’t compromise the same by going for the relatively smaller option. Similarly, renting a bigger stand is not a better choice if the product is of normal size and can be fitted perfectly in small space. Choose a right stand in conformity with your need and budget.
Engaging stand – A great exhibition stand is defined by its relevant size accompanied with inviting design. This involves keeping your stand free from unnecessary inventory and furniture like chairs, tables etc.
Your exhibition booth must have enough room for the show attendees to engage with your brand. You can also try furniture such as bar-height table and stools where the show attendees feeling jaded after standing for long on their feet can relax.
They may also feel to have a little chat with you over your products. It is one of the best techniques to improve your presence as considerate.
Justify ROI – Suppose you get 600 attendees out of 6000 present in a trade show. You generate 200 leads, get 100 sales presentations and manage to get a total of 25 sales. Considering the overall cost, say $25,000, the trade show is not worth the investment in view of the cost $1000 on each sales presentation.
Therefore, from ROI perspective, you need to see if the marketing cost justifies the sales numbers and results. If the ends don’t justify the means, it is not considered a good marketing return.
Over to you.
What else do you have on your mind besides the said five tips about maximizing from exhibiting at the trade show? Let us know your feedback and we’d publish it with your name.