
Custom Exhibition Stand Design for INIM Electronics in IFSEC 2016

IFSEC International is a commercial and government security exhibition that takes place every year in London. This year, IFSEC 2016 is taking place from 21st to 23rd June. The exhibition’s venue is ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL, every year attracts more than 700 exhibitors.

IFSEC International 2016 in the IFSEC 2016 has designed the booth for INIM Electronics and it was a splendid experience. The exhibit is spread over an area of 42 sqm bifurcated as 7 sqm x 6 sqm. The design of the exhibit is a custom stand exhibition and is a head stand with 3 sides open booth. The exhibit as the design brief submitted by the client required a closed meeting room accompanied with the storage area. In addition to that, there are 4 product display areas and an open meeting room with it. For now, you can check our design proposal for INIM to be exhibited at IFSEC International.

Custom Stand Design for INIM in IFSEC 2016

A front view of the Custom Exhibition Stand design for INIM in IFSEC 2016.

The exhibition kick-started yesterday and we gave our partner all our best wishes. You can check out our design for INIM Electronics at E1275.

We will soon be back with the final images and report of IFSEC 2016.

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